Thursday, May 29, 2014


"Heteronormativity is the body of lifestyle norms that holds that people fall into distinct and complementary genders (man and woman) with natural roles in life. It asserts that heterosexuality is the only sexual orientation or only norm, and states that sexual and marital relations are most (or only) fitting between people of opposite sexes. Consequently, a "heteronormative" view is one that involves alignment of biological sexsexualitygender identity and gender roles. Heteronormativity is often linked to heterosexism and homophobia"  (, 2014/5/10) 

Because of heteronormativity a lot of people are not allowed to be who they want to be or who they really are, they have to hide therselfs and pretend that they're someone else because they're afraid of people or society, because they judge and descriminate people who is "different" and they even hurt them. I think this is very unfair, and makes a lot of damage, and that's why I wanted to show this videoclip. It is about a parallel life where been gay is so normal and been hetero is the worst thing in the world, this video shows the damage that society, people and even the church can made to persons that are maybe different but still humans. 

I've always thinked that we're humans and we're free to be who we wanna be, and no one can tell us if it is correct or wrong just because it is different, this clip makes you think about it. I made a lot of reflection whit it, I hope it makes you think also.

Click here to watch the videoclip "HETEROPHOBIA"

It makes me think, I'm tolerable enough, I'm open minded enough? are you ?  Are we ready to "break rules" and accept people just they way they're? are we ready to see men wearing skirts? 

We said we accept gays and differences and black people, and peruvians, etc but just in the moment that we have to act not to talk we don't do anything.


  1. I think it easy to say we are tolerable but sometimes we forget our tolerance with other people. Maybe it could be because we are get used to socialize with heterosexual people. Nowadays we have to incorpore and relate with all sexual tendency.
    I like your entry! :)

  2. I completely agree with you, everyone should be themselves without being afraid. And we might think we are tolerant, but perhaps we should start rethinking some things. I'll post a reply entry on a video that came to my mind while reading this, I hope you can go check it out .D

  3. I agree with you in some points, but I don't think they're different. In fact, they are just like us, they've the same rigths and everything. However, I think you have made a great post and gave in the point.
    Also, the questions in the end are amazing. They made me thing about it and I noted things which I hadn't though.

  4. I love your entry! I make those questions to myself everyday and I try to be better everyday... I have an homosexual cousin and 5 years ago I saw him suffer homophobic attacks at school, but I didn't do anything to help him, I was so afraid of those kids, they were full of hate... Now I know that I have to act, that I can't spend my life telling people to be good and tolerable if I can't follow my own words...
    Ps. I cried so much with the video!!
