Saturday, May 17, 2014

Racist attack...again

Hello everyone... I want to share the next video because it really shocks me.
It's about a Muslim person who works in a restaurant and a man making racist comments. The reaction of some people that was there is incredible in a good and in a bad way, there is a lot of people that defends Muslims, but there still some people that think they are terrorist, something that bothers me a lot. 

If years ago racism was against black people (although there still people that discriminate them), today is against Muslims. The 9/11 was terrible and a lot of people were scared about that, but I don’t think that is enough for judge an entire culture. 

In the video one of the racist comments was that is hard to tell which Muslims are terrorists and which one isn’t, but I think that is hard to know if anyone is a terrorist or a thief or the kindest person in the world. We can’t judge them for something that we don’t even know if they did.

Tell me what you think about it, I think it is amazing to know that some people don't judge a book by its cover.


  1. I think that everyone make opinions of someone at first sight, no one is left out of it, but we must avoid them and try to see every person as equal. It will be difficult, but not impossible.
    We often make jokes about some sterotypes that we think some people fit, but we must left it only in jokes, nothing serious.

    1. You are right, and I think we should stop using stereotypes everywhere, even in jokes, because maybe we don´t use them in something serious, but we still using them....

  2. This proves the power that stereotypes has in some people. Is a normal event listen generalizations about people when they’re involved in a specific event. While in the USA are usually listen racisms or ethnics generalizations about black people or Muslims, here in Chile I hear stereotypes of our neighbor countries like Argentina, Peru and Bolivian mainly. The sad thing about this are the personal attacks, because like well you explain, from a certain event (in this case the 9/11 tragedy) people generalize about persons than even they know.

  3. I really like your post!!
    When I saw the video I hated the man who had racist thoughts! I think he has no right to say to say those things about the Muslims, and I'm happy to see that many people defended the inappropiate attitud of the other actor who were insulted him.

    We still are guiding by stereotypes and we should to stop with it.

    1. Exactly, and like I wrote to Alondra, we should stop using them evereywhere... I felt the same way like you with the man who has racist thoughts, and I know that there are a lot of people that are not racist, but there still are people who is racist and they need to stop, we can keep living in a world where some think are superior than the rest of the world
